I believe every person has a moment when their dreams will no longer be denied.

Accountants Need Money Coaching Too

Money Coaching
Accounting Professionals


Robina Bennion
Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, CPA (retired)

Are you a successful accounting professional

yet, you find yourself:

Struggling to manage your personal finances effectively

Feeling uncertain about your financial future despite your expertise

Wondering if there’s more to life than just work

Feelings of guilt, shame,  doubt, and judgement towards your financial decisions

Compare yourself to others when they talk about money

Hesitating to talk about your own money

Uncomfortable with how much money you have


Have you ever been taught about money?

The answer is usually “No”

Have you ever been taught about your money superpowers?


By better understanding your Money Superpowers you can use them to support you to…

Identify and recalibrate habits that no longer serve you and your DREAMs.

Apply your accounting and money knowledge to create new beliefs and behaviors that help you achieve personal financial freedom.

Learn what it means to invest in who you are and what you value most.

Quiet the emotional chaos inside.

Transform your relationship with M💖NEY



You work hard

You are successful 

You give back


The time has come for your money

to reflect your true inner wealth and worth


Feel confident asking for what you are worth.

Keep more of your money and use it for the DREAMS you have today.


Transform your relationship with money

and do the things that SPARK JOY



  • The foundation of what I do starts here. Take the money type quiz and schedule your complimentary consultation.

    Free Money Type Quiz
  • Starting your transformation or continuing on the path to change? Schedule your complimentary consultation here.

    Discovery Call
  • Sign up and stay in touch to learn how to use belief infusion in matters of your soul, your self, and your money.

    Soul~Self~Wealth Newsletter

Money Coaching Goes Beyond The Numbers

Working within the accounting profession for 25+ years my life centered around money. What I have come to realize is there was so much left unsaid that could have helped my clients, coworkers and myself.

As accounting professionals we are taught about accounting, taxes, and business but we are not taught about money. More specifically a persons relationship (aka emotions) with money. The expectation is that accountants have it all figured out, bank accounts are balanced monthly, retirement is fully funded, and we are living large.

The reality can be very different. I made my fair share of "mistakes" and now look at those learning opportunities as a blessing. I can use my business knowledge, behavioral money coach training, and passion to support others in stepping into their money superpowers, create new habits/beliefs, and build a business/career (and bank account) that matches their DREAMS.

Accountants need money coaching too.

Money Coaching = Saying Yes to Your DREAMS

Let's explore what liberates your soul, lights you up, and transforms your relationship with money.


About Me

From The Soul

  • Sparking Joy With New Perspective

    Many moons ago I remember asking a guy I liked, “What do you want five years from now?” His response was, “To have you in my life.”  My heart, of course,…

  • Where to Return to Alignment

    Nature is my happy place. Yesterday, I started the morning on horseback riding around a local lake. I grew up riding horses, but it had been 20 years since I sat in the saddle and I wanted to reclaim that piece of me again.

  • Make No Apologies

    When it comes to personal time, love, or money I make no apologies.

  • Renaissance

    As the world begins to emerge from the walls of home, new feelings about money may emerge. Just as the retreat likely brought up emotions each new shift is a new opportunity to explore your feelings around “enough”.


Let’s keep in touch.  Discover how to align your SOUL’s purpose, make your SELF a priority, and transform your relationship with MONEY.

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