You Have To Start Somewhere
Start by doing what is necessary; then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Francis of Assisi
The world is full of people of all shapes, colors, and beliefs but the one thing we have in common is that any task, big or small, has to start somewhere. There are the small tasks that feel like too much. When your plate is so full you feel is as though you can’t possibly take on one more thing. Then there are the huge tasks where you find you are procrastinating with all the little tasks you have been putting off for months. But, big or small, you have to start somewhere and that always comes from within.
When faced with undertaking a large (or small) task the start will be different for every person. Some people charge full speed ahead with only the goal in mind, others plan out every step and some may do a combination of both. But, both begin with some form of the “let’s do this” mentality and goes from there. There will be things that distract you and try to take you attention away from what you are doing. If you aren’t committed to the end goal those distractions will succeed. Don’t give those distractions attention in your arena for too long and don’t let fear of failure take hold before you have even started.
Life throws us curve balls, our mind fills us with doubt, and obstacles appear out of nowhere (so it would seem). Instead of looking at each of these in frustration change your perspective and look at them as part of the process. Appreciate them for what they bring and check them off the list of accomplished tasks once you dodge the curve ball, shrug off the doubt and navigate that obstacle. In fact, add those things to your list of items you need to accomplish in order to reach your goal because they will happen. Acknowledging them in advance will reduce the chance of them taking you off course along the way. Curve ball. Check. Doubt. Check. Obstacle. Check.
Starting is hard. We have all been there and can relate. It can be something as simple as cleaning our room. We know where everything belongs and it doesn’t take much time with a little focused attention but for some reason the simple task of starting becomes “I’ll do it later, I dont’ have time or it isn’t important”. The same can be said for any undertaking. Especially the really big ones. So, the next time you are faced with starting something new do one thing before the procrastination, doubt or distractions set in. Just one action no matter how small will help change your mindset from “I need to start” to “I need to finish”.
There is no magic formula to success and it doesn’t come easy to anyone. Success in any form requires focus, work and dedication. Life throws us enough curve balls in pursuit of our goals so don’t add to them and slow down your process. Start, take one step, no matter how small it may feel, just one step in the direction of your goals. This one step can have a huge impact on your perspective and momentum. In a world full of “I want to”, “I need to” become an “I am”.