If You Aren’t Seeing Results – Look To Your Intentions
A Tree By Its Fruits
You can always identify a tree by its fruit.
In the same way, you can always identify your intentions by your experiences.
– The Heart of the Soul by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis –
Have you ever rowed a boat? If you have you know that how you place the paddle in the water and the force you use determines the direction your boat will go. The same goes for throwing a baseball or a bowling ball, driving a car. You are fully in control of where the boat, ball or car goes. The same is true for every aspect of your life. There is no part of your life that is outside of your control.
If you want to take control of your life, make it better, take it to the next level then you must be ready to get uncomfortable and make a change. You must get intentional about that change. Success in whatever form does not come without being intentional. Olympic Athletes are intentional with what they do from the food they eat, what they drink and how they train. Even if you aren’t an Olympic Athlete you have likely ridden a bike. The process in the beginning was scary, overwhelming and wobbly. There may have been a fall or two and maybe the bike sat in the garage for a day or a week between falls. But each time you approached the bike with the intention of riding. You had the vision in your head of riding the bike, you could feel the wind in your face, the wheels moving under you and the freedom it brought. That intention (and perhaps support from a parent) kept you going back until you were able to master balancing on two wheels.
As we get older and take on new ventures in life it is often like riding a bike. We are scared, the start is wobbly, we fall, we get back up, we shelf it a few days and we rely upon the support of family and friends to cheer us on. Unless we have intention in our goals and where we want to go we won’t succeed. Much like if we just stick the bike in the garage and bury it under boxes our goals will be forgotten.
The other thing I am finding out about intentions is that experiences reflect our unspoken intentions. So if nothing is happening it is because I am not being intentional in my thoughts. If I take the oar out of the water the boat will stop moving and if I drag the oar in the water it will hinder my progress. Just as positive and directed intentions create positive results the lack of direction or negative intentions will create negative results. Or, no results at all.
So, how do I begin getting results? I change my intentions and the energy I place on them. Here is a list of where to start.
- Start each day with one intention
- Have a defined intention (Say hello to three people -vs- Be more outgoing)
- Acknowledge the intention (Say out loud or write in a journal I will say hello to three people today)
- Limit the noise/distractions around you a little each day (Facebook, TV, Email, Texts, etc.) – The noise will keep you from accomplishing your intentions
- Say no to too many projects by evaluating whether they help or hurt your intention(s) for the day
- Do one thing (no matter how small) each day to support your intention
- Give thanks for what you have and what you will accomplish
- Do this at the beginning of the day instead of at the end
- Repeat
If you start by doing one thing each day, no matter how small, even though it feels uncomfortable and keep repeating it each day you will find it isn’t so uncomfortable within a week. A baby doesn’t learn to walk by stopping only after a day. No matter what it is no great success comes from the first try. Training for your first race, losing 5 pounds, starting college classes or asking someone on a date. In order to succeed you must be intentional in your goal.
The first step starts with you and telling yourself you can do it. A million people can tell you that you will succeed once you start but until you tell yourself, until you believe and set your intention, it won’t happen. The next step is getting intentional with putting that oar in the water and beginning to paddle. No matter how scary and how fast that boat may get going towards your goal avoid the temptation to drag the oar in the water. Because if there is anything that slows you down, stops you, or hinders your success; it is you and you alone. Don’t blame anyone else for your setbacks. Set your intention for success and you will see results. The results may not be what you envisioned. In fact, I can almost guarantee it. But the end will be worth the time and effort. Writing a book, starting a blog, painting a picture, running a 5k, losing 5 pounds, starting a business or asking someone on a date. No goal is too big or too small. You are only limited by your own intentions.
So go out there an be intentional in your life and see all the fruit your tree can grow.