Get Your Money Types Summer Ready
- Did you put your Money Type Quiz results on the back shelf with your summer clothes?
Is money feeling a little tight as you get ready for summer?
Wondering where all your summer preparation plans fell through?
Are you tempted to put everything off until after summer?
If any of this feels familiar read on…
Much like preparing ourselves physically for summer it is also important to prepare when it comes to money. A common comment I hear is “I always make great plans for my money but I never see the results I planned for. Why is that?”
Does this sound familiar to you? Keep reading to find out what you can do today to get your summer plans back on track and make sure you read all the way to the end so you don’t miss out on my recent events and my new blog post What It Means To Belong To Myself.
So, you put your summer cash flow planning on idle as the winter months lingered but now the temps are rising and the travel plans and house projects are calling to you. What can you do now to ease into summer and come out the other side without the burn?
First, time to revisit your Money Type Quiz results so you know the best way to restart your planning. Did you have an active Innocent? If so, you will want to take small steps as your plan. I am not talking take one small action this month and another next month. That would be indulging the Innocent. Instead, try being a little more proactive and make the commitment to take some action every few days towards working on your money muscles. By taking small action the Innocent learns how much power he/she actually has.
Maybe a Martyr showed up in your quiz results and you feel like you do it all. So don’t dive head first and get submerged in all the numbers right away. If you and I have shared time together you know the message here don’t take it all on your self and as things get busier don’t forget self-care. This doesn’t mean go out and spoil yourself with material items. Self-care can be as simple as spending time outside, going for a walk, meditating, or just reminding yourself you are doing a great job. Tell yourself “thank you”. There is power and rejuvenation in acknowledging yourself in all you do.
Second, I have a saying in my office that reads “The best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is now.” Don’t let the thought of “if only” fill your head and stop you from moving forward. Take the opportunity of today and create the change you want and planned. There is never a wrong time to start. Maybe that means pulling out the cash flow plan (some people call this a budget) and update it for current expenses and/or changes in income, if you have a spouse start talking to him/her about summer plans and if the plans are in line with your long-term goals (think Warrior), or have honest conversation with yourself about debt.
Third, if you are tempted to shelf all your plans to get on track until after summer ask yourself why? What money type is driving that decision? How are you going to feel at the end of summer if you follow that plan?
Taking the first step is always the hardest and if you have already taken the Money Type Quiz you have taken the first step. So, Congratulations, you have taken the hardest step. The next step is to take advantage of the Complimentary Consultation and find out what small actions you can take today to create big change by the end of summer. You are worth taking the time to invest in yourself. If you have done the consultation or gone through the Core Process maybe you just need to touch base and get back in alignment with your goals. Wherever you are in the process know I am here to support you in the journey.
Summer is here. Time to put away the winter clothes and set new goals. What worked last winter won’t work next winter. Let’s connect. I would love to hear all about your summer plans to invest in who you truly are, what you value most, and transform your relationship with money.