What Are The Blocks To Your Money Goals

We all have goals. Especially when it comes to money. If you are like I was you might be wondering why it is your results never look like the goals you set for yourself.
When the goals don’t manifest into desired results the internal dialogue starts. I get it. I have been there. I am a CPA and have had those conversations many times with myself.
I would create cash flow plans “budgets” as to what I would do with my money and how I would reach my goals. They were amazing spreadsheets. As time passed my money didn’t go where I wanted, it didn’t accumulate as I expected, and I didn’t reach my goal. This was not okay with me. I am a CPA after all.
I am here to tell you, it is okay.
What? Really? You may be wondering how I can say that. Is that what a Money Coach is supposed to say? Yes, read on.
My youngest son loves to play soccer and his favorite position is Goalkeeper. Being a Goalie is his passion in the soccer world. But, the hard thing with being the one responsible for stopping a small, fast moving ball is you can’t get all of them. Missing even one ball is not okay with my son. After a game it isn’t the number of saves he remembers, only the misses. Tracking the misses isn’t hard since every miss equals a point for the other team.
After one game, when my son was particularly frustrated with his performance, I asked him how many saves he made (and there have been save awesome ones). His answer was along the lines of he didn’t remember, he didn’t keep track, and it wasn’t important.
This got me thinking about my own business and career. The way I once looked at life. The days when I didn’t keep track of my wins, saves, or even just by the tip of my finger stops nearly as much as I did the losses. When congratulated on an achievement, current or in the past, I would deflect. I would keep score and obsess over the losses, misses, and the ones that got by.
Honestly, there can be days I still do forget to count the wins and only focus on what feels like a loss.
A few months ago, I had a call with a potential client. It was a great call and I know my services would be of great value to her. Ultimately, she decided it was not not the right time. This has happened before and there are calls that go the other way. But, after this particular call, I took it hard. I started evaluating (critiquing) what I did wrong, what I could have done differently, if I had just said “x” the outcome would have been different. I was so focused on what I should have done differently or could have done better that I didn’t make note of what I did do that felt right. Or, most importantly, have gratitude for the opportunity to connect in the first place.
Do you have moments like that?
Do you over-analyze how you handled a discussion?
Do you critique your results against your goals, pick out all the misses and ignore most, if not all, of the wins?
The analysis of what was wrong in the past vs what was right can be nonstop.
Personally, once I realized I was going down that path to nowhere I stopped. I made mental notes of specific interactions and released it. I challenged the fears within that constantly wanted to reinforce the false belief of perfection. The false belief I must do everything right and if I don’t it means I failed.
I believe the interaction was perfect exactly as it was.
It gave me an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with someone I had not known before. And, perhaps, she received exactly what she needed in that moment just as I had.
If you find you are on the auto-loop in your head of replaying a past event take a page from a 10-year-old playing soccer. The playing field in front of you is very big. There are players coming at you from all directions and a small unpredictable ball is speeding towards you with seconds to evaluate and predict all reactions. The odds of stopping every ball 100% of the time? Zero.
Sometimes it is a solid save.
Another time you may have to jump high and take a risk.
Other shots will take you to your knees.
No two saves are ever the same and neither are the ones that get by. But each time the ball gets by it teaches you something new. You learn one more thing about the opposing player, you learn a little more about the unpredictable, and most importantly you learn something about yourself.
So, going back to those beautiful spreadsheets. Why is it okay that I missed my goals?
- It is the past and I can’t go back and do anything to change it. I found forgiveness for myself.
- The past gives me valuable information as to what I can do in the future. For that I am grateful.
- After doing this work I have come to realize where my beliefs and behaviors around money were limiting my ability to reach my goals.
Finally, with awareness, gratitude, and forgiveness I have been able to create new beliefs and behaviors to transform my relationship with money. As a result, my goals have changed and so has my ability to achieve results.
- Are you setting goals for yourself but don’t feel you are seeing desired results?
- Are you tracking your accomplishments as well?
- Is gratitude part of your daily routine?
- Find one thing each day to be grateful for. No matter how small.
- Curious how you can transform your relationship with money?
- Visit my website and take the Money Type Quiz. It is Free!
- Schedule a complimentary consultation. Also Free.
- Have a great transformation story?
- Please feel free to share it with me. I would love to hear from you.
Have any questions? You can contact me via email, robina@robinabennion.com or SCHEDULE TIME WITH ME.
Remember, your money types are just a reflection of your energy relative to money at a moment in time. Your energy changes just as you do. You have to power to direct your energy in new directions and create new results each day.

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