Release What No Longer Serves You
What are you carrying around that you need to release?
Something that just needs to fall away? What is no longer serving you in your life, your work, or a relationship but you keep pulling it along with you? Maybe for a day, months, or years.
False beliefs of yourself, someone else, or a situation (past or present) can weigh down progress. Do you struggle with the feeling you aren’t good enough at your job, you aren’t going to make enough in your business, or you aren’t making the right decisions financially? Perhaps you question yourself as a parent, a spouse, a family member. Or, you are struggling to be someone you are not?
I think many of us can relate to those feelings. While the voices in your head may be loud enough to convince you I am here to share a different perspective.
Release the belief you need to be someone other than you are meant to be. Stop working so hard to be the person you think you are “supposed to be”. Show up as who you want to be.
When you hold tight to what you fear you only pull in closer that which you don’t want in your life. As you release you make room for what it is you desire.
Let that sink in for a moment and visualize how that would feel. Receiving what you desire.
How does it feel when you are consumed by your false beliefs? When fear sets in? Do your fists clench? Does your body feel tense all over? Perhaps your arms are wrapped tight around your body. Feel where you carry those feelings in your body?
Now close your eyes and imagine if you were just to drop what you are fighting against, what you fear, the negative thoughts, or what you don’t want to be.
- Just let it fall like a boulder.
- Hold out your arms, take a breath, and allow your chest to expand.
- Think of what it would feel like to get what you desire
- Whether it be landing the dream job, a flourishing business, doing well on an exam at school, sitting down to your monthly finances with confidence, or having a great conversation with someone.
- What is it you want to accomplish and what does the best case scenario feel like?
- Pull that feeling into you and wrap your arms around it.
I don’t know about you but that feels so much lighter and fuller to me in the best possible way.
This may not be something that comes easily for you and it may require building it into your routine. Be patient and kind with yourself. These aren’t tools I learned overnight and they took time for me as well. However, with awareness, gratitude, and forgiveness I have been able to create new beliefs and behaviors to transform my relationship with myself, others, my business, and money. Yes, this does impact your relationship with money.
As I release that which limits me I am able to embrace more of my true self and that which expands me.