We All Have The Same Shadows
We ALL have the same shadows within us.
Have you ever stopped to notice? Have you ever given any thought of your shadow next to another person? The size may be different but the make the same. No difference in color, hair, eyes, or anything else.
Our shadows aren’t just things that are created by the sun. Our shadows are also the fears and false beliefs that drive our thoughts and actions (or inaction). Do you shy away from your shadows? Push through them or away from them? What if you got curious about them? Or, better yet, welcomed them?
Would it feel easier with the knowledge we all have the same shadows?
The only difference is what is active in the moment and which shadows are manifesting into reality within your life. The same applies to your money types. Just as we all have the same shadows (in some form) we all have the same money types. As you may have seen on your Money Type Quiz not all may be active at once and they can change based upon what is happening in your life.
Which of your shadows are you acting from? Which of your shadows are you making decisions with your money?
Are you hard on yourself about your choices? Would you feel differently if you thought of those around you as having the same shadows? Another’s life events may have been different, and their big shadows may be very small within you, but that is merely a result of life circumstances.
One moment.
One day.
One event could change all of that.
So, why do we judge our own shadows so harshly? Why do we diminish ourselves because of our shadows?
Beyond your shadows… before your shadows…. Always.. is your soul. Just like shadows the soul has no distinguishing features for comparison. No bank balance, no job description, no address, no skin color, hair color, or eye color. No net worth. The soul (your soul) has limitless SOUL WORTH.
When you tap into that internal resource your external resources can be limitless as well.
It is the mind that devalues your skills, talents and abilities. The mind believes the the false beliefs. It has been trained, sees the surface and believes the false narrative of comparison. Your soul? It knows no such language. Your soul is unconditional.
Your Soul knows different. Trust that. Believe that. Look into your own eyes. Connect with your soul.
Ask yourself…
- Are my thoughts focused on what I am afraid will happen or what I dream will happen?
- Discomfort in body = False Beliefs / Fear
- Get curious about that fear
- Challenge the fear with truth
- Release
- How can I create differently?
- Imagine feeling what it feels like to get what you desire and pull that into you.
- When you hold tight to your fears you pull close that which you don’t want.
- Visualize pushing away and/or releasing your fears.Is gratitude part of my daily routine?
- Find one thing each day to be grateful for.
- No matter how small.
- Am I tracking my accomplishments?
- Write them down (yes a post-it note counts)
- Journal even 1-2 minutes a day
- How am I with money?
- Are my decisions helping me reach my goals?
- No?
- Retake the Money Type Quiz and review my tools.
- Are my decisions/thoughts based in fear?
- Am I committed to my intentions?
- Intentions without commitment doesn’t create change.
- You are the only source of commitment for your intentions.
- Intention + Commitment = Unstoppable.