All That Glitters Can Turn to Gold
Money is Glitter
Dream Big. Think Big.
Sometimes one can get consumed by the busyness of life and forget to dream. To really dream. To reach for the stars kind of dreams. To do that requires the release of weights and take all hope into a hot air balloon and release into the world as if showering it in rose petals or glitter.
Imagine your ideas like glitter falling to the earth. The wind carried them close and far. Sparkles catching air as you travel down to earth.
A sparkle from within you exists outside of you that catches the eye of others.
A sparkle that excites them in the same way but different.
The beauty of it all is not knowing how away your glitter has traveled. The excitement of finding one piece after a long spell of none. The excitement of a bunch at one time.
All just when you needed it.
You can find glitter in the city, country, dirt, mud, broken down on the side of the road, in water, on a cloud, in a tree, a rock or a bird. Glitter gets on everything and in everything on it like duct tape. All kinds of unexpected places.
The magic of it is the glitter is your dreams.
Your dreams can be found everywhere and anywhere. They are just waiting for you. To be discovered, remembered, picked up with as much excitement as you had when you took them up into the hot air balloon.
The sparkle, color, changes as it moves with you. Showing you something you didn’t see before. Almost transforming with your touch.
Dreams are not some mystical thing that happens during sleep or to be forever elusive. Beyond reach. Dreams are infinite within you and possible. You need just give them air to breathe into your life, to spread across the earth and peak up when opportunity arrives.
Some may never be found. Carried on the wind farther than you travel. Nestled in crevices along the ocean wall. No worries for those. Don’t long for ones lost. Celebrate the ones found. Enjoy and create from that place at that moment.
Release the desire to continue treasure hunting for more glitter. Look at all you have within your hands. Right now, what are you going to do with those riches?
Over time the glitter creates some stick. You know, stickiness, it just sticks with you. Like wet sand we gather them up into sand castles, creating motes to protect them, adding on. Getting lost in the adventure.
Get lost in your dreams. Release the assumption they are just a pie in the sky dreams. The if I won the lottery line. What if everything leading you here was so you had enough glitter to build what you wanted with some left over? How would you know? Where would you start?