Break Me
Break Me.
Asking for something to break me feels counter to how I have lived my life. A life of protecting myself from things meant to break me. People are trying to break me.
Now, I ask “Break me!”, “Break me open.” “Let what is inside me shine! My light has been hidden much too long!”
A seed planted in the earth. Must endure unknown conditions to make it to the surface. Perhaps the soil is not ideal but it thrives in spite of it. The seed, once packed in by dirt for protection, must break open and grow so it can take its place in the light. Once it does, it begins to grow even more. Living its purpose in the world.
We are meant to do the same.
The world wants us to fear breaking. We believe breaking is pain because others have hurt us. They did not understand our light, they wanted to embrace their own light but couldn’t, and they tried to dim our light. They may have succeeded at getting us to dim our light but they did not break us.
To break us would be to break us open. For all our light to shine. The old way was to pack us in like a seed in the soil. To keep our light deep within, packed tight, our bodies, life, personality, the shell. Making it hard for the light to shine in its full glory.
But we illuminate in spite of.
We break free before the light dies.
The seed is deep within us. A seed is love, light, and pureness protected from the harshness of the world. A seed we believe didn’t exist within.
Break me. Break me open for all to see my light.
Come stand with me with your light. Together we will illuminate the world and blind it with love.
Free of the fear of external power and stepping into the gifts of authentic power.
I have carried this seed within me for a very long time. Hand selected to do the hardest of tasks. To see if a seed can survive the hard conditions and remain lit.
When the world is darkest, when others crumble in fear- those who have said Break Me step forward. Their light illuminates the world around them for others to follow. A beacon in the darkness. It will not dim or falter. The light is greater than the darkness. The carrier has shown the ability to winter the storm.
The darkness will not break those who lead with their light. They have been provided with strength by their journey. They chose their light over the dark. They know the breaking is breaking open to your true light within versus suffering.
Break me and let my light shine.
If you are ready for a transformation contact me at robina@robinabennion.com or schedule a discovery session with me today.