As the world begins to emerge from the walls of home, new feelings about money may emerge. Just as the retreat likely brought up emotions each new shift is a new opportunity to explore your feelings around “enough”.
Perhaps to mortgage relief, extra unemployment boost, or not having to pay for daycare provided space to release your breath. Maybe you had to let a house, car, or relationship go. Each of these events can lead to the questions:
Will I ever have enough
Why don’t I even have enough
Am I enough
(Read to the end for some answers).
First, please know, this is all perfectly normal. Fears, feelings, doubt, elation.
Elation? Yes. Maybe you were fortunate to come out the other side better than you went in.
Personally, my family went into 2020 with my husband not working aft his company moved to another state. Just as I was transitioning out of a temporary engagement he was offered a new job with a company he had been wanting to work with.
Just as there is no need for feeling shame for struggling there is also none for a booming business or strong bank account. I always do invite people to explore their feelings and get under the surface of the emotion. It isn’t the money.
Money is a cover story.
Generally, for fear or a life experience which altered your beliefs around money. Beliefs then become behavior.
These new times are asking all of us to do the work, uncover your false beliefs, and shine the light on the truth of your worth.
With that in mind I have been diligently working on how I want to work with people, who I want to work with and what it all looks like. I reveal more in the weeks to come. Which leads to my first change. Weekly newsletters.
Over the past few years I sent out newsletters to accommodate my schedule but I am feeling called to share more at this time. More about the soul work happening on our planet, the transformations of self and ego, and taking a deeper and more intimate look at wealth.
Watch for a new series coming soon on money types.
Finally, I am excited to share a new book I have coming out, Soul~Self~Wealth Guidebook, a 12 week interactive book to transform the way you set goals and begin to create dreams that align with your soul, self, and wealth.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions. I have 15 Magic minute slots on my calendar to talk money or anything else on your mind
By the way, to answer your questions:
You have always had enough.
You already have enough.
You are enough.
A focus on enough at a monetary level is a lack of enough on a soul level. Next week I will share how this shift transformed my wealth.