Make Today the Best Day of Your Life
“I am not afraid of dying but I am in no hurry to die.”
– Steven Hawking
Some of you in my community may know that I am a Conscious Dying Coach and End of Life Doula. These were not endeavors I ever thought I would have received training in and I am still deciding how I want to utilize this knowledge to be in support others. While going through my certification process I worried I would be saddened by what I saw but it was the opposite.
My training invited me to look at death in a new way.
It also made me look at life differently.
Part of the training included the Best 3 Months Program. Over the course of six weeks, I guided people through Emotional, Mental, Physical, Practical, and Spiritual questions to determine what actions could be taken in each area to create the best three months of their lives. As you can imagine it is an intimate invitation into one’s life and I was honored by those who said yes to the process.
Personally, I worked through my own answers to those questions with another student. As a result, I started to ask myself,
“What can I do at this moment to create the best 3 minutes, hours, days, and weeks of my life?”
The way I made decisions for myself and my business changed in such beautiful ways and around things that seemed so simple.
- I hit send on an email versus reading it for the 10th time and looking for a typo. Typos happen.
- Sent out newsletters with content I wanted to share and not what I felt I had to share.
- Applied for speaking engagements.
- Made the videos.
- Took pictures and made sure I was in them.
- Said no to clients that didn’t align with my values.
- Said yes to engagements that were aligned with my values.
- Painted more paintings than I have room for.
- Started modifications on my book.
- Invested in a mentor.
- Took trips alone.
- Took trips with my family.
The list goes on but you get the point. Life became richer, easier, and more fulfilling. I like to believe I have shed my layers of self-doubt around my business but there are times when a new layer shows up. The difference is I am better equipped with a great set of tools and friends to navigate these opportunities.
Asking myself how to create my best life is the best place to turn. Nobody knows better than me what feels like the best answer for my life.
Nobody knows better than YOU what choice will create the best life for YOU
Living your best life doesn’t mean I encourage you to head off to Las vegas and bet it all on red or book a private jet. Unless, of course, you have the means for both. The best decision can be as small as holding a door open for a stranger, smiling at the next 10 people you walk by, or calling a loved one.
Don’t take my word for it. Test it out.
What choice can you make in your life today that leaves you with the feeling of living the best day of your life?
Repeat as often as you like.
You are the artist of your life and you are a masterpiece.
Until we meet again.