Love and Money


To emit a steady radiance of light. To beam confidence, happiness and positivity. To love and accept one’s self.

Do Love and Money go hand and hand? I believe they do.

In my younger years, my confidence on the inside didn’t match what I presented on the outside. Any situation where I thought I needed to prove my worth resulted in one of the following (self-titled) reactions:

  • The Snail – retreat, deflect
  • The Glomer – excessively clingy
  • The Overachiever – too much talking
  • The Giraffe – silent or limited talking

Each reaction a learned behavior, either by watching others or my own design, with an underlying intention of receiving acceptance or agreement. The truth is there is rarely comfort or a sense of safety in trying to prove one’s worth.

For close to 10 years, I have made an effort to get to know myself better by learning to be aware of what I am feeling and noticing my own relationship with self-worth. Throughout the journey, I have learned that by changing one person the value/worth game would end.

The person that needed to change was me.

It hasn’t always been easy to learn about myself, but it is rewarding.

So… what does this have to do with love and money?

A few summers ago I wondered what it would feel like to not just accept myself and my journey but to love myself. Was it possible I didn’t love myself as much as I thought I did?

Start asking questions:

The result was an ever-greater sense of ease and comfort in who I am. In the process, I reinforced my worth.. with myself. And that is really who matters most in the value/worth conversation. Right?

The same applies to you. You are the most important person in your life.

Intentionally loving myself had larger lasting results than I expected.

I transformed my relationship with money.

“Robina, aren’t you a CPA?” Yes, I am . You may be wondering how that is possible given the work I do. Becoming a Certified Money Coach helped my relationship with money change for the better and I believe there is always room to grow.

Since undertaking the self-love experiment my money confidence has grown exponentially. I can’t say with 100% certainty it is linked to loving myself more, but I can’t deny the results.

It is worth a shot. What does one have to lose?

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said, “I love you.”? What about thank you? Really look at yourself. Can you do it without critiquing the face in front of you? The person looking back has surely done a lot for you throughout life and love, forgiveness, or appreciation can do wonders for the spirit.

Or have fun with it.. Look in the mirror and say

“You look like a million bucks.”

“You are one in a million.”

You wouldn’t be wrong. You are all that and more. You are worthy of love and being loved.

Try the mirror exercise daily until the next time we meet and let me know if you have learned anything about yourself and your relationship with money.

Before you go … I am sending blessings to you as you live your dreams and spark joy in the world.

~~ Until we meet again.

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