Do You Welcome Failure?

“Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.” – Unknown

How often has the fear of failure kept you from doing or saying something? Perhaps it even appeared as doubt or confusion. Fear of failure has stopped me in my tracks more than once. Recently, I was exploring the idea of failure and someone sent a random text about welcoming success. Which got me thinking…. “What if I welcome failure?” The idea wasn’t all warm and fuzzy.

As the saying goes, “What you resist, persists.”. To expand beyond that Carl Jung also concluded that not only does it persist but grows. Much like a roller coaster the longer taking the risk is avoided the greater the fear can grow. Or is that just me? 😉

Welcome Failure

In any pursuit, whether it be academic, athletic, financial, or professional there is a common thread that connects many. Fear of failure. While we may not like the possibility of failure it is a part of taking a risk. Too often that fear can create a barrier to movement. What would it feel like to stop worrying about what could go wrong and welcome failure? Not just welcome it but write a note to it? You read that right

  • Write a welcome note to failure.
  • Write a note to yourself from failure?
  • What does it feel like (in your body) to welcome failure?

These may seem like odd suggestions but I have tried them myself and the process was enlightening. The letter to failure allowed me to express my fears. The letter from failure showed me my perception of failure has been wrong all along.

Often one’s perceived level of success or failure is self-defined.

What if welcoming failure can work in your favor? Is there anything you are hesitating to take action on? Is it falling under the lens of not having enough time, money, or knowledge? How would it feel to call it fear of failure and see what shows up?

Perhaps what you will discover is you are more successful than you realized.

Cheers to you!

Until we meet again.

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