From the moment hope is created we long to return to a place of loving and trust. Loving others, trusting others, being loved by others, and being trusted by others. We spend our lives in search of finding something to fill the void, dull the pain, or bring us joy.

We All Have The Same Shadows

Beyond your shadows… before your shadows…. Always.. is your soul. Just like shadows the soul has no distinguishing features for comparison. No bank balance, no job description, no address, no skin color, hair color, or eye color. No net worth. The soul (your soul) has limitless SOUL WORTH.

Release What No Longer Serves You

Now close your eyes and imagine if you were just to drop what you are fighting against, what you fear, the negative thoughts, or what you don’t want to be.

Standing In Fear

Fear is an powerful thing.  I will not say it isn’t and to act like it is less than would be doing it a disservice.  Mostly to myself.  Though fear…

Get Your Money Types Summer Ready

Did you put your Money Type Quiz results on the back shelf with your summer clothes?Is money feeling a little tight as you get ready for summer?Wondering where all your…

Are You Building A Life Or A Career?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde You likely know the saying, “Life is short”, but do you heed its meaning…

Making A Difference

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman Giving of my time to others started at a young…

Can You Have It All?

I consider myself a self-starter, independent and hard working. I found a way to put myself through college full-time while working part-time, started working after graduation, became a CPA, obtained…