Episode 453 – Robina Bennion
John Garrett (thejohngarrett.com)
WEBINAR – FreshBooks Accounting Partner Program
How to Align Your Soul, Self, and Wealth to Find Your “You Normal”
Is this the life you want? Get actionable steps to start redefining what’s normal—at work, at home, and everywhere in between—to align with your authentic self.
Welcome to the second episode of ‘The Hard Work Of The Soul’ with my guest, Robina Bennion.
Forgiveness, vulnerability, and risk-taking are just a few of the things we discuss in this conversation.
I love Robina’s willingness to bring us along in her journey. Like you and me, Robina’s story is a work in progress. Let’s each allow Robina’s courage to inspire us to take our own steps of faith toward our future.
The King of Pop famously said, “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.” The title of that song by Michael Jackson is ‘Man In The Mirror.’
Today’s guest, Robina Bennion, has taken to heart those very words. Arriving at a place in life where she knew she wanted more, Robina did something risky, even scary. She looked in the mirror and asked, “Who do I want to be?”
These next two episodes focus on the importance of being honest with ourselves. Doing the hard work of the soul is the first step in moving out of an unhappy place, and into a more fulfilled life.
Get ready for some real talk about Goals and Money. We will take an Inner Money Journey and look at your Foundation. Explore some reasons behind why….
Some years you set goals and fall short. While other years you knock your goals out of the park.
In this class I will help you to create awareness around:
Getting excited about setting big $$ goals ~ How to handle setbacks ~ Potentional subconscious self-sabotaging behavior.
This episode is the final conversation on ‘Lessons From Half Dome.’
I want to thank my guests, Robina Bennion, Erica Butler, and Brenda and Brandon Hawkins.
Get ready for them to inspire you that some of our best discoveries are on the other side of our fear.
This episode is the second of three conversations where I sit down with four guests, each who recently hiked Half Dome.
In this discussion, we listen to Robina Bennion’s story.
Hiking Half Dome is spectacular. I highly recommend it. What you’re about to hear is not the norm.
Here’s a link to the video Brenda mentions from her hike in 2018. Oh, those infamous cables.
Here’s a link to the song, ‘Fear Is A Liar.’
Enjoy episode two of ‘Lessons From Half Dome.’
What happens when thirty people with diverse backgrounds, different perspectives, and varying degrees of physical ability all embark on a twenty-mile round-trip hike to the summit of Half Dome in Yosemite?
A lot happens. More than one might expect.
In these three episodes, I sit down with four of the thirty to hear their stories, learnings, and literally, life-threatening experiences.
Enjoy episode one.