Money Types
What are money types? I had the same question when I first started doing this work. Your Money Types (Archetypes) can found in one’s statements, actions, patterns, or behavior – relative to money. Much as your emotions can change based upon circumstances so can your money type. Think of it a snapshot in time based upon conscious and unconscious factors.
As a CPA who could budget with the best of them but was never able to get the end of the month to match my projections I was delighted to find out there was more at play than I understood. Learning about my own money types enabled me to make less emotional financial decisions and more decisions that aligned with my long-term goals. Or, when I got off track I was able to go back and explore what was active in me.
Your Money Types are not who you are or your personality. They are energy you (may) take on relative to money. As you read through the Money Types below reflect on a recent event around money and where one of these patterns or behaviors may have shown up in your conversation or actions.
Below is a brief description of the 8 money types.
The Innocent
FOCUS: To be happy. Safety and avoidance of abandonment.
CHALLENGES: Too Trusting. Easily overwhelmed.
GOAL: Claim your own power and find safety in your own abilities
The Fool
FOCUS: Shortest route to the biggest pay. Willing to take risks.
CHALLENGES: Get caught up in the excitement and make poor decisions.
GOALS: Learn to take time and develop a good financial decision-making process.
The Creator/Artist
FOCUS: Spiritual and/or artistic.
CHALLENGES: Love / hate relationship with money.
GOALS: Accept the world you live in and embrace all it has to offer.
The Victim
FOCUS: Long to be rescued. Fears being betrayed by others.
CHALLENGES: Blames others for financial woes. Often betray themselves in making financial decisions.
GOALS: Transform when you use their past as a powerful tool in changing their future.
The Warrior
FOCUS: Powerful, driven, and disciplined. Ready to take on financial decisions.
CHALLENGES: Telling the difference between adversary and opponent. Fear of being dependent upon others and loss of power.
GOALS: Learn to recognize conflict as an opportunity for growth and understand what you are truly seeking to protect and conquer.
The Martyr
FOCUS: Will do more for others than themselves.
CHALLENGES: Feeling repeatedly let down when others fail to meet expectations. Desires to be in control (of self and others).
GOALS: To transform you must release suffering, be open to receiving, and give what you want to receive.
The Ruler
FOCUS: Accumulate possessions even though they have everything they desire.
CHALLENGES: Never feel complete in spite of the success and rarely feels successful. Uses money to be oppressive, unforgiving, and aggressive (to self/others).
GOALS: Learn to heal your wounds, ask for what you need, and transform fears so you learn to feel safe.
The Magician
FOCUS: Spiritual, conscious, loving, powerful and know how to transform /manifest their financial future.
CHALLENGES: None. The Magician has made peace with their past and understands their power exists within their own ability to live their truth.
GOALS: Alchemists know the source of power to manifest lies in their ability to tap into their Higher Power. With faith, love, and patience, the Alchemist simply waits in certainty with the knowledge that all our needs are met all the time. Alchemists embrace the inner life as the place of spiritual wealth and the outer life as the expression of enlightenment in the material world. They are infinitely connected.