No, that isn’t spelled wrong. I don’t know what day you were born but I want to say Happy Bearthday.
To celebrate YOU and your arrival here on earth.
Go with me on this.
For the most part bearthdays are always a day of wonder, excitement, and joy. A sense of anticipation. I think we could all use a little of that right now and I want to bring that to your day. Those feelings are not dependent on gifts, or big parties. We are seeing that from the neighborhood, community, and global responses. Those feelings come from within.
As infants we see the world with big and believing eyes. There is no need for hope because all things are possible. Everyone is trusting, loving and greets the world with open arms.
As we grow, the longer we are on earth, we take on cues from the world around us and our view of life, people, and all on earth become colored by those events. We act based upon another’s words, actions, lack of actions, emotions, or lack of emotion. We stop greeting the world with open arms. Instead we adopt fear, doubt, and insecurities.
With that we also develop HOPE.
We cling to it in our parents. Hope to have what once was. The peace, love, and happiness that existed on our very first bearthday.
From the moment hope is created we long to return to a place of loving and trust. Loving others, trusting others, being loved by others, and being trusted by others. We spend our lives in search of finding something to fill the void, dull the pain, or bring us joy. Perhaps that means we take on jobs, relationships, and activities to ease the discomfort (the fears and insecurities; the false beliefs) within.
The jobs we take, or don’t.
The money we spend, or don’t.
The debt we have, or don’t.
The relationships we have, or don’t.
Each reflects our filtering of life events, beliefs and behaviors, HOPEs.
Often, we believe our pushing and working hard is for the right reasons but when we look within, we see what we created was in fear, and not faith. It isn’t a bad thing. It is what keeps us moving and alive in difficult times. I believe the goal is to become conscious to what we are creating.
The earth was once clean, pure, whole. No hope needed. People cared and loved for it. Today visiting the outdoors is a vacation, an outing, an expedition. Something to be shared on social media for personal likes over likes for appreciation of earth’s resources.
Now here we are (all the earth’s population) with an opportunity to spend time reflecting, connecting, and growing. This is an opportunity to see where you might be distracting yourself. Trying to keep life moving at the same pace.
I invite you to pause.
Pause as you do before you blow out your birthday candles.
Pause, to reflect and ask yourself a few questions:
- Where are you in life?
- Are you where you want to be?
- If not, by whose standards/beliefs?
- Who/How do you want to be through all of this?
- Are you afraid?
- If so, what are you afraid of? Name the fear.
- What story do you want to tell when you share about this time with others?
Close your eyes.
Take a breath.
Take three.
Connect with who you are at a deeper level than what we see on the surface. Connect to the HOPE that exists within you. Connect to the love and trust you were born with.
I myself revisit these questions daily. My answers change daily. My commitment to who I want to be through this has me seeking more answers each day. I also feel a strong call to connect with the outdoors a little each day. The fresh air gives me new perspective and appreciation for what I have and where I am at this moment.
The water in the canals of Venice are clear. The air over Paris is clear. The traffic in major cities has become almost nonexistent. The energetic debris is settling as we all adjust to the new normal. Similar to adjusting to hitting the major milestone ages; 40, 50, 60, 70. The water and air are clear because people have stopped moving around busying their lives in action. But all the sediment is on the surface. Once we start moving it will begin to cloud our waters, our air, or minds.
My hope, my wish, is I/we become more conscious in how we move through those waters, air, and thoughts.With the realization of how connected we truly are. To each other and to this earth.
The return of hope for everyone and earth; in love and not fear.
Let’s take this time to celebrate not only you and your amazing bearthday but the gift we have been given. The opportunity to see clear waters and skies. The opportunity to grow new thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors in our daily actions. The be conscious of how much love and trust we have within us for each other, ourselves, and the earth.
Thank you for letting me share these thoughts with you as I pause to wish you a very Happy Bearthday my friend.