Setting A Strong Foundation



An often overlooked element in goal setting is the foundation.
Take your goal setting to the next level by taking a look at the foundation of your money beliefs.
I grew up hearing breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Start your day out right and you will have the energy to last. Right? Maybe you have heard how important it is to start with a good foundation. Whether it be a healthy start or a strong foundation the same rules apply to your money goals.

If we all had a healthy start and strong foundation when it comes to money so many people would not have money goals at the top of their list every year.

*Get out of debt.
*Earn more money.
*Save more.
*Track my finances better.
*Create a cash flow plan.
*Save for retirement, college, home, kids…..

Are you someone who starts a goal strong but doesn’t always finish strong? Maybe you start slow and build momentum as time passes. Are you strong and consistent from beginning to end? Or, perhaps you are the select few that leave goal setting to the rest of us because life is just luck of the draw? The list is endless because the foundation of our money beliefs are as varied as we are.

Looking at the foundation upon which you are building your goals is just as important as getting specific about your goals. The money beliefs you grew up hearing filter in and create the strength, or weakness, of your foundation.

Depending upon which money goal you have set out to conquer a different belief may be running in the background. Those varying beliefs can be the reason you knock your goals out of the park one year and only go half way the next.

So, does this mean you shouldn’t set goals at all? Absolutely not! Get SMART with your goals. If you haven’t heard of the SMART method it stands for:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T – Time bound

As you set your goals also set the intention to be aware of what you may be feeling and thinking. Your thoughts and feelings are where you can begin to transform the foundation upon which you build your future.

Are you excited by a goal or shy away from the big ones?

Do you worry someone might see your goals and laugh?

Do you diminish your goals or yourself the moment you write them down?

What dreams lie within you and will no longer be denied?

Are you willing to share your goals with an accountability partner?

How confident are you in achieving your goals?

Get curious in asking these questions and how they make you feel.

If you feel a reaction to these questions it is your invitation to dig into your foundation and find where you can replace some old ways of thinking with new 2020 ways of thinking.

Work on identifying false beliefs that are showing up.

Where can your replace some old habits with new ones?

Turn “I could never make that much money!”
Into “I have all the skills, talents, and abilities I need to make my financial goals come true.”

Turn “I would never know how to do that!”
Into “I am capable of learning what I need to know.”

Turn “I would never be able to pay off that much debt in a year!” Into “I have access to resources and people who can show me how to eliminate debt and create new healthy habits for the rest of my life.”

Maybe you are saying, “Robina, just how do I do that?”

You have all the gifts within you to accomplish any goals you set for yourself. Commit to push into the false beliefs that have held you back. Ask questions so you can remove behaviors and habits from your foundation that no longer serve you or your money. Align your beliefs and your goals for a strong foundation and transform your relationship with money in 2020.

If you missed my class Looking at the Foundation of Your Money Goals. Take the Money Quiz and schedule your complimentary consultation and I will send you the recording for free.

Remember, your money types are just a reflection of your energy relative to money at a moment in time. Your energy changes just as you do. You have to power to direct your energy in new directions and create new results every day.