New Year Energy

“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”


Have you noticed the excitement that comes with a new year? Even if I am ending a year feeling tired, overwhelmed, or just ready for it to be done I can’t deny the part of me that is celebrating a fresh start. Similar to most new things (car, job, house, dreams) the thought of leaving the less-than-fun stuff behind draws people to jump into the new without looking back.

Can you relate?

If so, I invite you to pause and reflect on the prior year (house, car, job, relationship) and make a list of all the good things you experienced. I am sure you have more than a few and your time and energy are worthy of being acknowledged.

Personally, I enjoyed taking a long vacation and letting myself rest. When I returned I didn’t rush back to the computer, social media, or other things my mind would believe I need to do. I eased my way back into building my schedule with renewed intention and excitement.

As the holiday season slowly fades away I encourage you to experiment with doing the same. Perhaps that looks like limiting the number of zooms you get on in a day, blocking Monday as an administrative day, or limiting social media. While you can’t keep work from happening you can decide what you want to consume mentally, physically, visually, intentionally, and financially.

Get off track? Not to worry. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year too. It will take one more year until you mark this day on the calendar again. If it helps tell yourself, “It’s a new day.” or “It’s a new year.” each morning when you wake up. See if it shifts the energy of the day.


Before you go … Thank you and I am sending blessings to you as you live your dreams and spark joy in the world.

Until we meet again.